Raw Unpasteurized Honey
Crooked Hills Farm is located just north of Sharbot Lake. In 2019 bee keeper Mark Saunders installed over 60 hives along side the Back Forty Farmstead on Gulley Road. This premium raw honey comes from healthy bees pollinating the diverse plants and flowers of Back Forty’s organic pastures. The result is a honey which contains a naturally rich and fresh flavour free of contamination.
“We intentionally locate our apiaries in areas where the bees have natural and healthy nectar sources.” says Mark. “Our bees forage on sweet clover which we grow on the farm, and wild nectar sources like milkweed, basswood, and goldenrod, which occur in abundance near the apiaries.
“We produce all our own honey,” points out Mark “And we maintain the highest standards of production to keep it pure and natural. Our honey is raw and unpasteurized to keep the floral flavours intact and maintain the honey’s health benefits.”
For Mark its a labour of love and his raw honey will provide you with a taste of the beautiful Frontenac countryside.